Eve's Christmas Wedding Read online

Page 7

  Her trio of questions accomplished exactly what she hoped they would. Rapz stood at attention, his shoulders squared, his chin lifted. He saluted smartly. "I won't let you down, Ms. Bennington."

  Relief washed over Eve. It was no minor accomplishment to separate Rapz from his box of matches. Handling clients and staff in an efficient yet diplomatic manner had always come easily to her. It was a big part of what made her so successful in her professional life. It was a shame that she wasn't half as skilled at running her own love life.

  "I've got a few ideas to run by you," Rapz's voice broke through her reverie.

  Eve blinked twice and shook her head. She needed to stay focused. Especially when it came to Rapz and his wild ideas. "As much as I appreciate it, we already know what we need. Your assignment is to find a cd with the sound of ocean waves gently lapping against the shore."

  "That's it?"

  Eve nodded. "That's it."

  Rapz didn't try to hide his disappointment. "No thunderstorm? No rain?"

  "Absolutely not." What had she just done? She should have put him in charge of counting silverware. "No babbling brook, no tsunami, and no waterfall. We just want to hear the sound of ocean waves rolling in. Got it?"

  Rapz looked less than delighted with his new task. "Yeah, I'm on it."

  Eve waited until he was out of hearing distance before she turned to Jolly. "That went well, didn't it?"

  Jolly rolled her eyes. "Rapz is a loose cannon. You want me to follow him to make sure that he stays on task?"

  "Good idea, but let's ask someone else to do it. I don't want Rapz thinking that you're checking up on him."

  "Gotcha. I'll get Tinsel on it." Jolly tapped a quick message on her cell phone. Within seconds, it dinged, signaling a response. As the elf read through Tinsel's message, her face fell and she looked up at Eve with wide eyes. "Tinsel's not going to be able to shadow Rapz." She slid off the chair. "I'll do it."

  Concerned by the look on Jolly's face, Eve reached out and touched her arm. "Wait, what's wrong with Tinsel? Is he sick?"

  "Nothing like that." Jolly's sympathetic tone warned Eve what was coming next. "Tinsel's just left. He's flown Hunter down below."

  Eve closed her eyes. So, he'd decided to go. She never should have hoped, even for a second, that Hunter would choose her over a plum assignment.

  "I'm sorry, Eve."

  Eve opened her eyes and forced herself to smile at the elf. "Thank you, Jolly, but it's better this way."

  "Are you sure? Because you don't look okay."

  Eve didn't know how to respond. She wasn't okay. Her heart felt as if it had just been through a blender. Hunter had made his choice, and it wasn't to stay with her. Which meant it was time she gave up any hope of a happy-ever-after with Hunter once and for all.


  Hunter stared into the dark night sky, unable to enjoy the brilliant stars overhead or the glistening city lights below. The night was cold, and the air was fresh, but crisp. Had it really only been a few days since he and Eve had been whisked away to the North Pole?

  He glanced at the empty seat beside him. On the journey to Christmas Central, with Eve in the seat next to him, the sleigh had felt warm, cozy. Perfectly sized with room for two. But now it felt downright cavernous. Just like the gaping hole in his chest where his heart used to be.

  "Hey, Tinsel," Hunter called to the driver. "I have a question for you."

  The elf brought the sleigh to a sudden standstill. He turned in his seat to look at Hunter. "What's up?"

  Startled, Hunter leaned over the edge of the sleigh and stared into the darkness below. They were suspended in mid-air. He glanced around Tinsel to gauge how the reindeer were handling the sudden stop. All eight stood as patiently and as casually as if they were hitched to a wagon on solid ground. "Are they okay like that?" he asked Tinsel.

  The elf nodded. "They're fine. Are you?"

  There was the million dollar question. And Hunter, in a moment of startling clarity, had an answer. It was as if all of his doubts had disappeared as completely as the ground below them. He felt energized. Not to mention, filled with excitement about the adventure before him. "Actually, I'm more than fine. How much longer until we get there?"

  Tinsel shook his head, a small smile betraying his amusement. "You used to ask your parents that question incessantly whenever you'd drive to your Aunt Matilda's house for the holidays. Boy, some things never change."

  Hunter didn't say anything but he knew better. Some things did change. He was proof of that. No longer was he a man torn between two loves. He knew what he wanted. And he didn't want to waste another moment in getting it. "Let's go. I'm anxious to see His Holiness."

  Tinsel turned to face forward and snapped the reins. "Just sit back and relax. We'll be in Vatican City in a few hours."


  No sooner had Eve turned out her lamp than she heard a soft knock on her door. She switched the lamp back on and glanced at the small crystal bedside clock. It was almost eleven thirty. Who on earth would possibly want to speak to her now? Her breath caught in her throat. Maybe it was Hunter. She fluffed her hair out with her fingers. "Come in."

  The door opened. "Eve?"

  Eve let go of the breath she'd been holding in. It was Kris. Not Hunter. She should have known. He was probably half way to Italy by now. "Come on in, Kris."

  Santa's niece smiled apologetically. "I'm sorry to come by so late, but my uncle asked me to bring your gift."

  Eve waved for her to come in and motioned to the end of her bed. "I'm happy to see you. Sit and stay awhile."

  Kris did as she was bid. Her gaze was searching and Eve felt herself flush. "So you obviously heard that Hunter left?"

  Kris nodded. "I'm sorry. Are you okay?"

  "I'm fine," Eve lied. She was not fine by any stretch of the imagination, but sharing her misery with the bride-to-be was not a sin she was going to commit. "But let's talk about you. You must be excited now that we're in the final countdown phase. Are you getting nervous?"

  "I'm actually surprisingly relaxed. Zen isn't a natural state for me, but I feel that way about the wedding." Kris smiled. "Kyle and I have certainly had a long road to travel until this point."

  "So your uncle told me. But when I see the two of you together, you just look so meant to be."

  "I guess we are, but we were the last two to realize it." Kris paused for a moment, as if she was deciding how much to say. "Just like you and Hunter."

  Eve's laugh sounded forced even to her own ears. "Let's not even go there."

  "But, Eve, we were in the same situation you two are now. We were both being stubborn and not seeing what was right in front of us. If you and Hunter would only-"

  "No, really, Kris, I mean it. I can't do this now." Eve struggled to keep her composure, knowing that any more talk of what could have been was going to be her undoing. "I love you for trying to help but we're beyond that." She pressed her fingertips lightly against her eyelids for a second to warn her tears that they weren't welcome. She managed to smile brightly. "So what's in the boxes?"

  Kris picked up a rectangle shaped dress box wrapped in gold foil paper. "This is from Kyle and I. We hope you like it."

  Curious, Eve carefully slid a finger under the bottom of the box, gingerly separating the tape from the wrapping paper.

  Kris groaned. "You're not a ripper, are you?"

  Eve grinned. "Sorry, I don't have it in me." She set aside the paper and lifted the top of the box off. A bright red fabric patterned with large white hibiscus flowers was nestled in sheets of white tissue paper. She reached in and pulled out a lightweight cotton sun dress. "Oh, how beautiful," she cried. She threw back the covers and got to her feet. She held the dress up against her body. "I love it, Kris. It's my favorite shade of red." The dress also had an asymmetrical hem and a ruffle flounce across the chest. In short, it was ideally designed to accentuate her long legs and to compliment her figure. Her eyes met Kris'. "How did you find the perfect dress for
me? I mean, this can't be an accident. It's exactly what I would have chosen."

  "Chalk it up to Christmas magic."

  Eve looked at her reflection in the mirror. Magic was right, the dress was gorgeous. She leaned down and hugged Kris. "Thank you so much. I hadn't yet thought about what I was going to wear to your wedding. This is perfect."

  "I'm glad you like it." Kris stood. "Kyle and I hope you know how happy you've made us by planning the wedding of our dreams."

  "Don't jinx it, we still have to make sure Rapz doesn't start a blaze." Eve carefully laid the dress back in its box. "Are you at all nervous about Santa's reaction when he sees that it's a beach wedding after all?"

  "Not at all. It's a perfect combination of what Santa loves best, the North Pole and the Hawaiian islands. He just has to realize it, that's all. Trust me, above all else, my uncle is a generous soul. He's going to be happy if we are."

  "Good. Then I'll stop worrying." Eve fervently hoped that Kris' assessment of her uncle's reaction was accurate. She looked at the larger second box. "This is from Santa?"

  "Yes, he said he tried to give it to you earlier when you and Hunter were in his office but the conversation got sidetracked."

  It certainly had. Right on to the topic of Hunter's dream interview.

  "Uncle Santa would like you to open it tonight." Kris headed to the door and pulled it open. "He said to tell you to keep the faith."

  Eve sat and stared at the box for a few moments after Kris left. She reached out and gently ran her fingers over the fabric that covered it. A light pink satin bow graced the top of the box. Regardless of how lovely the box was, she felt an inexplicable reluctance to open it. Why would Santa send a message through his niece that she should open it now? Most likely it was just his generous nature shifting into overdrive.

  But whatever it was, it was going to have to wait. Accepting a new dress from Kris and Kyle was one thing, after all she needed to dress appropriately for the wedding. But she couldn't face another of Santa's gifts, not after what had happened earlier in his office. She got up and tucked the box into the closet behind her suitcase. She slid the door closed and climbed back in bed. Here she was, at the North Pole just before Christmas, as a guest of Santa Claus no less, and she felt anything but festive.

  She reached over and turned off the light, hoping sleep would swiftly come and rescue her from the sadness surrounding her heart.

  Chapter Eleven

  "You're a miracle worker, Eve."

  "Thank you, Kyle. I'm glad you're pleased with everything." Eve smiled her gratitude at the bridegroom. "But I'd hardly call it a miracle." She surveyed the wedding venue with satisfaction. White sand blanketed the auditorium floor. Close to two hundred elves, all wearing Hawaiian shirts specially designed for the occasion, milled around. The majority of them sipped from glasses of slushy iced drinks with paper umbrellas. The dulcet tones of Elvis Presley's version of 'Ke Kali Nei Au' filled the air. Eve knew she'd never hear the Hawaiian wedding song again without thinking of this very odd, but very magical, Hawaiian North Pole Christmas Eve wedding.

  "Kris is going to love it. This is exactly what she wanted."

  Eve and Kyle shared a quick, knowing grin. They both knew that what Kris Kringle had truly wanted was to be on a real beach on an actual island, but families required compromise. The Claus family was no different.

  "You look beautiful," Kyle said. "I'm glad the dress worked out for you."

  "Thank you. It's perfect," she said. "A month from now, when I'm back home, buried in snow, and freezing cold, it will be a nice reminder of a special day."

  Kyle's face grew serious. "Eve, look, Kris and I were very sorry to hear that Hunter left. If there's anything we can do to help you two find your way back-,"

  Eve held up her hand to stop what she knew was coming next. "Oh, Kyle, not now. This is your wedding day. We're here to celebrate the beginning of your and Kris' new life." She willed away the tears welling up inside of her. She was not going to cry today. Not over Hunter Nielson. Not ever again.

  The bridegroom nodded. "Okay, but just remember that love triumphs. Always."

  She forced herself to smile. "I hope that's true because it's very good for business." It was well past time to switch gears from jilted girlfriend to efficient wedding planner. "Now, you need to track down your best man and get up there under that hibiscus covered arch." She looked down at her clipboard and frowned. "Do we have confirmation on Santa's location?"

  Santa Claus, because it was still Christmas Eve, was still out delivering gifts. His return was the last piece of the puzzle they needed in place for the wedding to begin. As much as she trusted what a kind and generous man Santa was, Eve knew she wouldn't fully relax until she saw with her own eyes that he approved of the tropical wedding theme.

  "He should be touching down soon." Kyle glanced at his watch. "Do you want me to send Rapz to check with mission control?"

  Eve shook her head. "No, please not Rapz. He's better left under my watchful eye."

  Kyle laughed. "I'll go find Nick. I'm sure he knows where his dad is."

  "Good. Just keep your fingers crossed that Santa's reaction is what we're all hoping for."


  Hunter shoved his hands into his jacket pockets, surprised at just how cold the air could be this time of year in Italy. He strolled around the perimeter of St. Peter's Square watching as the crowds gathered to listen to the Pope's annual Christmas speech.

  He looked up in the sky, watching for the pickup sign Tinsel had prearranged with him. The elf couldn't return for him soon enough. As amazing as it would be to spend Christmas in Vatican City, Hunter wanted to be where his heart was. With Eve at the North Pole.

  His fingers closed around the velvet box in his pocket and he issued a swift and silent prayer that Eve would forgive him for leaving.


  "Attention all wedding guests," Santa Claus' voice boomed over the Christmas Central loudspeaker, "This is the uncle of the bride speaking. I've just touched down, and I'll be there in a jiffy to give my lovely niece away. Please alert the orchestra to be ready."

  Two hundred elves collectively turned to look at the ukulele that Rapz was strumming. A chorus of moans and groans rippled through the crowd. Eve shared their consternation. Suddenly the idea of surprising Santa with a beach themed wedding didn't seem so much a surprise as a betrayal.

  "Eve?" Kris' voice warbled with uncertainty. "I'm not so sure this was a good idea." Her brown eyes were wide. So were her daughter's.

  Eve's professional instincts kicked in as she glanced between mother and daughter. An unhappy Santa Claus, she didn't know quite how to deal with, but a nervous bride? This she could handle. She turned her attention first to Kris' daughter. "Noelle, you look beautiful." Eve smiled her most reassuring smile. "Are you excited?"

  The little girl nodded. The sparkle in her young eyes assured Eve that Noelle was every bit as happy about the wedding as Kris and Kyle were. Perfect.

  At least it would be if Santa approved. Eve glanced toward the double doors leading into the auditorium. It wouldn't be long now.

  And it wasn't. The doors flung open. Santa Claus, dressed in his red velvet suit and heavy black boots, stood in the doorway. He surveyed the suddenly silent room, an unreadable expression on his face. Mrs. Claus stood just behind him, her expression every bit as undecipherable as her husband's.

  Eve could only imagine what Santa was thinking. Instead of white wooden chairs, the floor was covered in imported white sand. Doubtless Santa expected to see the elves in their holiday finest, but instead they wore Hawaiian print shirts, shorts, and flip-flop sandals. The orchestra was out, the ukulele was in. The smell of coconut permeated the air. Christmas spirit had been edged aside by the aloha spirit.

  Knowing that it was her job to act as a buffer, Eve whispered a word of reassurance to the bride and then made her way over to where the Claus' stood. "Hello Santa, Mrs. Claus," she smiled brightly and plowed ahead, "I trust
the deliveries went well?"

  Santa's blue eyes met hers. Eve thought she detected the slightest hint of a sparkle, but it could be anger as easily as it could be amusement. She swallowed and took a deep breath. "I can explain."

  Santa held up a white gloved hand. "I'll do the talking, Eve."

  She clutched her clipboard to her chest. "Of course."

  "You can imagine the confusion my wife and I feel right now. We always head out to Maui the day after Christmas but unless I'm mistaken, it's still Christmas Eve." He checked his watch. "Yes, just as I thought."

  Eve waited. More was coming. Santa was a man of many words. If she'd learned anything this week, it was that.

  "My lovely wife and I were delighted when Kyle asked for our dear niece's hand in marriage. We adore Kris and Noelle, and only ever wanted the best for them. Which, to our way of thinking, was a traditional Christmas Eve wedding." He surveyed the room, shaking his head at what he saw. "It appears that you all thought otherwise."

  Eve watched Kris and Kyle exchange worried looks across the auditorium. The majority of the elves shifted guiltily from foot to foot. This wasn't right. Everyone had worked too hard to allow the whole wedding to be ruined. "Santa, please, I need you to understand-"

  But again Santa cut her off. "I only have one thing to say to all of you." He strode toward the center of the room and took off his jacket to reveal a short-sleeve Hawaiian style shirt. He threw his arms open wide. "Mele Kalikimaka everyone!"

  Eve's eyes grew as wide as everyone else's but within a few heartbeats, her shock gave way to laughter. A cheer went up and she joined in the applause.

  Santa strode over and enveloped her in a warm hug. "Mahalo, Eve, for everything."

  Tears of gratitude filled Eve's eyes. She was the one who owed Santa and his family thanks but that could wait. It was time for a wedding.